

沉浸在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa 沙龙的美容艺术中,每个细节都精心雕琢,展现出您精致而永恒的优雅。我们技艺娴熟的专业人员将美容提升为一种美和优雅的体验,确保您离开时拥有精致而与众不同的形象。

Indulge in the artistry of grooming at Teya Skin, where each detail is sculpted with precision, revealing your refined and timeless elegance. Our skilled professionals elevate grooming into an experience of beauty and sophistication, ensuring you leave with a look that is both polished and distinctive.

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Ear Picking

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Salon,我们提供温和的耳部护理服务,让您踏上一段宁静之旅。沉浸在舒缓的体验中,重视您感官的健康,让您感到焕然一新。

Embark on a journey of tranquility with our gentle ear care service at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Immerse yourself in a soothing experience that prioritizes the well-being of your senses, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

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Neck Lymphatic Massage

沉浸在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 的颈部淋巴按摩中,感受焕发活力的触感。这种治疗性体验可以调和身心,促进整体健康,并让您感受到焕然一新的活力。

Immerse yourself in the revitalizing touch of our Neck Lymphatic Massage at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. This therapeutic experience harmonizes body and mind, promoting overall well-being and leaving you with a renewed sense of vitality.

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Ear Stones Treatment

体验古老疗愈之道的和谐:在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 进行耳石治疗。让耳石温暖舒缓,恢复平衡,使您感到焕发活力和内心连接。

Experience the harmony of ancient healing with our Ear Stones Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Let the soothing warmth of ear stones restore balance, leaving you revitalized and connected.

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Ear Canlde

沉浸于 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 的耳烛疗法的宁静氛围中。这种古老的做法温和地清洁,营造出一种宁静的体验,使您的感官恢复活力。

Immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance of Ear Candle Therapy at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. This ancient practice gently cleanses, creating a tranquil experience that rejuvenates your senses.

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Head Massage

在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 尽情享受一刻极致的愉悦,体验焕发头部按摩。让熟练的双手释放紧张,促进宁静和焕发活力。

Indulge in a moment of bliss with our Rejuvenating Head Massage at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Let skilled hands release tension, promoting a sense of serenity and revitalization.

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头部水疗 SPA护理

Head SPA

在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 开启一场感官之旅,体验我们的头部SPA体验。让高级护理的融合焕发您的头皮,让您沉浸在纯净的宁静状态中。

Embark on a sensory journey with our Head SPA Experience at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Let the fusion of premium treatments revitalize your scalp, leaving you in a state of pure tranquility.

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崇发 SPA 护理

Hair coloring SPA

在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon,让我们的美发染色SPA为您的外观变身增添魔力。让我们的专业美发师打造一个个性化的色调,彰显您活力四射的个性。

Transform your look with the magic of our Hair Coloring SPA at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Let our expert colorists craft a personalized hue that reflects your vibrant personality.

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Optimal Hair Remove

在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon,体验顶级的光滑感,我们的 Optimal Hair Remove 服务。我们采用先进的技术,确保丝般完美,让您的肌肤光滑无比。

Experience the pinnacle of smoothness with our Optimal Hair Remove service at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon. Our advanced techniques ensure silky perfection, leaving your skin irresistibly smooth.

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