
Facial Cleansing

揭示纯净的本质,体验Teya Skin美容美容沙龙的面部清洁卓越。让我们熟练的治疗师为您的肌肤进行深层清洁和焕活,呈现出明亮、清新的肤色。

Reveal the essence of purity with our Facial Cleansing Excellence at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Let our skilled therapists cleanse and rejuvenate your skin for a luminous, refreshed complexion.

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Dark Circle Treatment

唤醒您的目光,尽在 Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon 的深度眼部黑眼圈护理。我们采用专业技术针对黑眼圈问题,展现更明亮、更年轻的双眸,映照出您灵魂的光辉。

Awaken your gaze with our Dark Circle Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our specialized techniques target dark circles, revealing brighter, more youthful eyes that reflect the radiance of your soul.

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Facial Bo Jin Treatment

沉浸在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的古老面部刮痧艺术中。我们的从业者通过雕塑和提升您的面部轮廓,为您的肌肤恢复永恒的光彩。

Immerse yourself in the ancient art of Facial Bo Jin at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our practitioners sculpt and lift your facial contours, restoring a timeless radiance to your skin.

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Remove Mole, Oil Milia, Skin Tag

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的去痣服务中获得完美无瑕的肌肤。我们的专业从业者确保精准去除,让您拥有光滑、无瑕的完美肌肤。

Achieve flawless skin with our Removal Service at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our expert practitioners ensure precise removal, leaving you with smooth, blemish-free perfection.

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Facial Threading

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验面部修眉的艺术。我们熟练的从业者以精准的技巧雕刻您的眉毛和面部轮廓,展现出精致而富有表现力的美丽。

Experience the artistry of Facial Threading Mastery at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled practitioners sculpt your brows and facial contours with precision, revealing a refined and expressive beauty

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Facial Gua Sha

沉浸在美的和谐之中,体验Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的面部刮痧雅致。让刮痧的轻柔划过您的面部特征,呈现出永恒的优雅。

Immerse yourself in the Harmony of Beauty with our Facial Gua Sha Elegance at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Let the gentle strokes of Gua Sha sculpt your facial features for timeless elegance.

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Deep Bubble Cleansing

利用Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的深层泡泡清洁,使您的肌肤焕发活力。让温和的泡沫净化并焕发肌肤,使您拥有清新而光彩照人的肤色。

Revitalize your skin with our Deep Bubble Cleansing at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Let the gentle bubbles purify and rejuvenate, leaving you with a refreshed and radiant complexion.

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Black Carbon Treatments

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon进行黑碳护理,用黑碳的魔力改变您的肌肤。我们熟练的从业者利用碳的力量,展现纯净的光辉和明亮的肤色。

Transform your skin with the magic of Black Carbon Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled practitioners harness the power of carbon to reveal pure brilliance and a luminous complexion.

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Optimal RF Facial Lifting

通过Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon提供的Optimal RF Facial Lifting,体验美丽的提升。让射频的力量雕刻和提拉您的面部轮廓,展现出年轻而光彩照人的外观。

Experience the elevation of beauty with our Optimal RF Facial Lifting at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Let the power of radiofrequency sculpt and lift your facial contours for a youthful and radiant appearance.

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Acne Facial Treatment

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验我们的痤疮面部护理,拥抱清透的光彩。我们的有针对性的技术针对痤疮问题,使您拥有一个纯净而焕发的肤色

Embrace clear radiance with our Acne Facial Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our targeted techniques address acne concerns, leaving you with a purified and revitalized complexion.

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Pigmentation Treatment

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验我们的色素沉着治疗,恢复光彩的平衡。我们的专业技术瞄准色素沉着问题,使您拥有均匀且明亮的肤色。

Restore radiant balance with our Pigmentation Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our specialized techniques target pigmentation concerns, leaving you with an even and luminous complexion.

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Eyebrow Trimming

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验我们的眉毛修整技艺,达到精准而优雅的效果。我们经验丰富的技术人员以精准的手法雕塑您的眉毛,提升面部特征,呈现出精致而优雅的外观。

Achieve precision elegance with our Eyebrow Trimming Mastery at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled technicians sculpt your brows with precision, enhancing your facial features for a refined and sophisticated look.

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Eyelash Extension

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon,通过我们的睫毛延长技术,增强您的目光。我们经验丰富的艺术家精心打造浓密且自然的睫毛,营造一种引人注目的魅力,与您独特的美丽相得益彰。

Enhance your gaze with the magic of Eyelash Extension at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled artists craft lush and natural-looking lashes, creating a captivating allure that complements your unique beauty.

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Eyelash Perm

拥抱永恒的优雅,体验Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的睫毛烫发。我们熟练的技师打造自然持久的卷翘效果,为您的目光增添一丝优雅。

Embrace timeless elegance with our Eyelash Perm at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled technicians create a natural and long-lasting curl, adding a touch of sophistication to your gaze.

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Silver ball Eye washing Treatment

用Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon的银球眼部洗护疗法唤醒您的眼睛。银球的冰凉感觉使疲惫的眼睛恢复活力,让您感到清新和焕发。

Revitalize your eyes with our Silver Ball Eye Washing Treatment at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . The cooling sensation of silver balls rejuvenates tired eyes, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

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Semi-Permanent Brow Filler

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验我们的半永久眉毛填充术,以卓越技艺为您的容颜赋予魔法。我们的熟练艺术家精心打造自然持久的眉毛,为您的脸庞营造出一副清晰而引人注目的画框。

Define your beauty with the magic of Semi-Permanent Brow Filler at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled artists craft natural and long-lasting brows, creating a defined and captivating frame for your face.

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Eyebrow Embroidery

在Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon体验我们的眉毛刺绣术,感受我们的艺术之美。我们的熟练技师创造自然而美丽的刺绣眉毛,为您的面部特征增添一丝优雅的氛围

Experience artistry in elegance with our Eyebrow Embroidery Mastery at Teya Skin Beauty Spa Saloon . Our skilled technicians create natural and beautifully embroidered brows, adding a touch of sophistication to your facial features.

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